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Clew medical

“As much as UV-C light can degrade cell walls, proteins, and membranes of bacteria and viruses,” she says, “it also is carcinogenic, or can cause cancer affecting humans.

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A hazard to your healthĪmong the many problems with using a UV wand to disinfect, Trautman emphasizes the danger UV-C light poses to human flesh. If it doesn’t radiate 360 degrees, then it’s going to have to have some sort of rotational mechanism” to ensure the entire room gets treated. You have to have something that sits in the right position in the room that’s going to be able to radiate. They’re not just a handheld wand-type thing. “If you see a picture of some of the hospital units that have been used for this purpose,” Trautman explains, “they’re very, very large. Then there’s a problem of scale: A UV wand can only cover a small surface area, so if you were to try and disinfect a whole room, you’d probably be at it for a while.

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So if you’ve got crooks and crannies, then those germs in those crooks and crannies are not going to be affected by the UV-C light.” “It does not do well in nooks and crevices because it’s a spectrum of visible light, and if the light can’t get in, it’s not going to have the same effect. “Most of the science shows that the effectiveness of UV-C light is really on more flat surfaces,” Trautman says. For starters, UV-C radiation won’t be too helpful unless you live in a bare room. There are a number of problems with using a UV wand to clean your home. If it’s good enough for hospitals, it’s probably good enough for your home, right? Not quite.

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The problems with UV light as a disinfectant In response to the pressure from the COVID-19 outbreak, hospitals are using large UV lamps ( sometimes attached to robots) to sterilize rooms. One particular subtype, called UV-C (which has a wavelength of 280-100 nanometers), is capable of damaging viruses and bacteria (and human tissue) by disrupting their DNA/RNA, rendering them unable to replicate. Ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic radiation.

Clew medical